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To set up a time for your class to visit to the site, please e-mail KIM AT halebyrneshouse@aol.com IF YOU FIND OTHER LINKS OF INTEREST PLEASE E-MAIL THEM TO KIM AT halebyrneshouse@aol.com allthingsliberty.com/author/kim-burdick/ |
NATIONAL COUNCIL ON PUBLIC HISTORY tells us: "Public" or "applied" history happens when historians and their various audiences collaborate in trying to make the past useful. It is the conceptualization and practice of historical activities with one's public audience foremost in mind, and it generally takes place in settings beyond the traditional classroom. ncph.org/ |
About Hale Byrnes House |
By students at U.D.'s Lerner Scool of Business. Fall 2022 [ PDF ] |
Zoom Meeting Videos |
"Thunder on the Delaware: The Battle of Wilmington" - May 16,
www.halebyrnes.org/images/videos/hbvideo01.mp4 "The Hollanders Have Built a Fortress with Four Bastions" - May 17, 2020 www.halebyrnes.org/images/videos/hbvideo02.mp4 |
Revolutionary War at Sea Trunk Content and Lesson Plans https://www.americanrevolutioninstitute.org/revolutionary-war-at-sea-trunk-content-and-lesson-plans/   |
THE 100 BEST AMERICAN REVOLUTION BOOKS OF ALL TIME by Editors, Journal of American Revolution https://allthingsliberty.com/2017/03/100-best-american-revolution-books-time/   |
Washington's Crossing educational link: hosted by Educational Programs Coordinator Katherine Heugatter are available to view anytime on our YouTube channel. Be sure to check them out! General Washington's birthday video   George Washington Q&A   |
Audio Tour & transcripts: Artist Don Troiani's Paintings of the RevWar
Liberty Virtual Tour   |
National Council for History Education
https://ncheteach.org/Conversations   |
Guide to Researching a House
https://www.homeadvisor.com/r/a-guide-to-researching-the-history-of-a-house/ |
Guide to Revolutionary War Records https://archives.delaware.gov/guide-revolutionary-war-records/ Teaching the American Revolution in the United Kingdom |
Useful for conversations in the air at the present moment.
History of the Hale-Byrnes House and the George Washington Witness Tree of Delaware |
Useful for conversations in the air at the present moment.
Why I Abandoned the Traditional Museum Education Model Race and equity resources Diversity and Inclusion Resources |
The Library of Congress today announced fiscal year 2022 Teaching
with Primary Sources grant opportunities. Applications are sought
from organizations that aim to incorporate Library of Congress
resources into educational programs and materials for learners
representing diverse professions and communities. The application
deadline is May 28, 2021. Click here for more information. Mount Vernon: Using Biographies to Teach History Mount Vernon's Teacher's Institute June 2022 Understanding and Assessing Sources Following the Howe and Cornwallis route of 9/11/1777 . Bill of Rights free booklet from the Free Speech Center at Middle Tennessee State University. Teachers Bring Home Lessons From the Amazon Battle of Cooch's Bridge Study Guide to Cooch's Bridge Washington Crossing Historic Park Worksheet on Black soldiers: 1st Delaware Regiment - Playlists Resourses - The American Revolution American Revolution Consortium for Civic Education Dr. Joseph Warren Historical Society Delaware Historical Society Virtual Field Trip Program The Fatal Flaw of the 1619 Project Curriculum The Revolutionary Dishonesty of the 1619 Project Civilians in the American Revolution Best U.S. History Websites for Students | Common Sense Education Constitution Center, Philadelphia constitutioncenter.org/ constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution Daughters of the American Revolution www.dar.org/national-society/education/dar-lesson-plans Declaration of Independence study.com/academy/popular/declaration-of-independence-lesson-plan.html Delaware Public Archives archives.delaware.gov/guide-revolutionary-war-records/ Field Trip Directory.com fieldtripdirectory.com/field-trip-lesson-plans/history-social-studies/historic-sites/ Mr. Hurst's History Website hursthistory.org/unit-one1.html Society of Cincinnati americanrevolutioninstitute.org/lesson-plans/ Sons of American Revolution sar.org/lesson-plans/ Washington Crossing Historic Park washingtoncrossingpark.org/education/lesson-plans/ |
Philadelphia: Museum of American Revolution
Museum of American Rev. in Phily washingtoncrossingpark.org/# www.amrevmuseum.org/ 6abc.com/moar-to-offer-virtual-tours-online-classes-for-kids-during-quarantines-/6018486/ nps.gov/inde/learn/historyculture/places-independencehall.htm historicwaynesborough.org/gallery/ nps.gov/vafo/learn/historyculture/collections.htm uncoveringpa.com/brandywine-battlefield robinsonhousede.org/history-of-the-robinson-house claymontstoneschool.org/ historicalmarkerproject.com/markers/HMQJU_the-cauffiel-house-and-estate_Wilmington-DE.html w3r-us.org/historic-sites/arthur-penny-house/ oldbrandywinevillage.org/ quakerhillhistoric.org/ dehistory.org/ coochsbridge.wildapricot.org/Battlefield-History en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Hill_(Delaware) newcastlehistory.org/ Delaware River and Bay: allthingsliberty.com/2017/01/rolling-river-delaware-american-revolution/ John Dickinson Plantation: history.delaware.gov/jdp_main/jdp_history/ Lewes: allthingsliberty.com/2019/11/the-lewes-lighthouse-legend-re-examined-and-re-interpreted/ |
State-Owned Historic Sites |
Delaware’s role in Yorktown Campaign. Note: We were part of a 9-state, DC and France effort 1780-1783. w3r-archive.org/ |
American War of Independence (1775-83).Royal Collection Trust.
George III’s maps and views showing the war from North America to India militarymaps.rct.uk Revolutionary War Animated Map (& more!) American Battlefield Trust. battlefields.org/learn/maps |
One of the greatest sources of information on the American Revolution is the collection of pension applications submitted by American veterans of the war...
The post "Good and Sufficient Testimony:" The Development of the Revolutionary War Pension Plan appeared first on Journal of the American Revolution. Spain's Role in the American Revolution https://www.americanrevolution.org/hispanic.php Education Guide - Black Patriots. Heroes of the Revolution https://cdn.watch.aetnd.com/sites/2/2020/02/BlackPatriotsGuideNew.pdf October Gallery: Black Art octobergallery.com Revolutionary Limits: Native Americans in U.S. History Online Textbook ushistory.org/us/13f.asp Great Woman: Polly Cooper of the Oneida greatwarriorspath.blogspot.com |
Bob Selig's report on Delaware w3r-archive.org/history/library/learnmor.htm#seligde Auto Tour w3r-archive.org/tours/tour-de.pdf historical signage w3r-archive.org/tours/signs-de.htm deldot.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapTour/ |
Virtual Field Trips
Many thanks to Holly Golder for this information |
The History Hunters Youth Reporter Program curriculum is closely tied to both Pennsylvania and District Standards and Core Curriculum for 4th and 5th grades, though it can be adapted to other grade levels.Includes workbook, lesson plans, curriculum historyhunters.org/curriculum www.historyhunters.org/ historyhunters.org/teacher-information |
Understanding Your Family History & Tips For Curating Genealogy Resources & Research Think like a genealogist with these expert organization hacks |
News Release Date: September 25, 2019 Contact: Casey Johannsen, 870-449-4311 Every Kid Outdoors Annual Pass provides fourth grade students, along with their families, friends and classmates, free access to 2,000 federal recreation areas for a year. The Every Kid Outdoors Program encourages fourth graders to explore, learn and recreate in spectacular settings, including national parks, wildlife refuges, marine sanctuaries and forests. To obtain the free pass, fourth grade students visit our Every Kid Outdoors website, participate in a short educational activity, and download a voucher. The voucher is valid for entrance or standard amenity fees at Federal Recreation sites that charge but does not cover camping or special tours. It can be used multiple times between September 1, 2019 and August 31, 2020 to correspond to the traditional school year. The voucher may be exchanged for a plastic keepsake pass at participating federal lands. Buffalo National River does not charge an entrance fee but encourages fourth grade students to take advantage of this program and to visit their public lands. The great outdoors make a great classroom. Fourth grade educators are encouraged to take advantage of the wide range of educational programs and tools associated with the Every Kid Outdoors program. Teachers can inquire about Buffalo National River program opportunities by emailing the park at buff_daybybuffalo@nps.gov. "You can visit the United States' first park set aside for the public's enjoyment, a Civil War Battlefield, a U.S. President's home and an historic courthouse without ever leaving the State of Arkansas," said Buffalo National River Superintendent Mark Foust. "The National Parks of Arkansas and surrounding states provide countless opportunities for students of any age to learn, exercise, and make memories on their public lands." The Every Kid Outdoors Program was established by Congress in 2019. It replaces the Every Kid in a Park Program which was launched in 2015. It is an interagency collaboration between the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and U.S. Forest Service... |